11-10-2023, 3:47 PM

According to the UN office, around 200,000 people have lost their houses in Gaza

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, at least 45% of Gaza's housing has been destroyed or damaged as of November 4, and up to 200,000 people have been displaced.

According to the European Commission, Gaza is one of the world's most densely inhabited areas, with more than 500 people per 100 square meters in numerous parts.

Northern Gaza has been without power and gasoline since October 11. According to the UN humanitarian office, one-third of hospitals have had to close, and those that remain open are frequently working with inadequate electricity, anesthetic, or clean water. Due to damage or a lack of fuel, all bakeries in the north have had to close.

Gaza's lone power plant is out of fuel, and the northern saltwater desalination plant is now offline. Hundreds of thousands of citizens are running out of drinking water. The majority of sewage pumping stations are shut down. According to UN officials, 14 hospitals and 71% of primary care institutions in Gaza are shuttered.

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