03-1-2025, 1:57 PM

During cheerleading competition, Dallas police evacuate Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Cente

Kay Bailey Hutchison Center / Video Screenshot

Police responded to an incident Saturday afternoon in Downtown Dallas at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, site of the NCA All-Star National Championship.

It happened during the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) All-Star National Championship, which began on Friday and ends on Sunday at the venue.

Dallas police said on X they are investigating an incident near the Omni Hotel and Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. They encouraged everyone to stay away.

Dallas police say the event is not an active shooter, though facts are still accumulating.

The National Cheerleaders Association All-Star Championship was held at the convention center Saturday with over 58,000 attendees. The incident prompted Varsity Brands to suspend NCA competitions for the day.

"The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center has been evacuated as a precaution based on reports of a safety concern. NCA security officials are working with law enforcement to quickly investigate these reports, and they have confirmed there is not an active shooter involved," Varsity Brands said in a statement. "As a precaution, we have suspended activities for today and will continue to work with event staff and local authorities to ensure a safe environment when we resume the event."

On Saturday afternoon, Dallas police informed X of a family reunion facility at 400 N. Lamar Street.

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