02-10-2025, 5:56 PM

2 Americans injured in shark attack in the Bahamas

Shark attack in the Bahamas / Video Screenshot
Shark attack in the Bahamas / Video Screenshot

Police said that two Americans were hurt, one critically, in a suspected shark attack in the Bahamas.

The visitors, both ladies, were swimming in Bimini Bay, a prominent Bahamian resort area, when the incident occurred at 6:30 p.m., according to the Royal Bahamas Police. Bimini Bay is located on the Bahamas' westernmost island, approximately 50 miles from Miami.

"Initial reports indicate that the victims, both U.S.A. residents, sustained injuries while swimming in the waters at Bimini Bay," the police wrote in a news release, which noted an investigation into the incident was underway.

Both ladies suffered lower-body injuries, with one of them critically hurt, according to authorities.

Both were treated at a nearby clinic before being evacuated to New Providence for more medical care, according to authorities.

Both have subsequently returned to the United States, Bahamian officials announced Monday.

One of the patients will need a third operation to correct damage to her leg. Her family said that she will have surgery in Orlando, Florida.

The Bahamas has one of the world's highest incidences of shark attacks, yet studies suggest that they are still exceedingly rare. According to the International Shark Attack File, a database that documents shark interactions with humans across the world, the Bahamas has had only 34 verified attacks in the previous 400 years. Despite its tiny size, this figure is the eighth highest among the nations tracked.

Deadly shark attacks are rare, even in the Bahamas.

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