10-16-2023, 12:35 PM

Iran claims that if airstrikes end, Hamas is prepared to free hostages

According to a statement made on Monday by Iran's Foreign Ministry, Hamas might be prepared to free the close to 200 hostages it is keeping in exchange for Israel ceasing its bombardment of the Gaza Strip. The extremist organization has not confirmed making this offer.

Speaking at a press conference in Tehran was Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Tehran's regional adversary, Israel, is being opposed by Hamas, which is mostly funded by Iran's theocracy.

"They stated that they are prepared to take the necessary steps to free the citizens and civilians held by resistance groups, but their point was that such preparations are impossible under the daily Zionist bombardment against various parts of Gaza," Kanaani said of Hamas officials.

According to Hamas, in a deal reminiscent of previous unfair swap agreements, the prisoners will be exchanged for thousands of Palestinians detained by Israel.

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