11-30-2023, 5:17 PM

Novo Nordisk is suing two pharmacies for allegedly selling fake, tainted Ozempic products

Novo Nordisk reported Thursday that two Florida compounding pharmacies are selling tainted semaglutide, the medication in Ozempic and Wegovy.

The pharmaceutical filed two lawsuits Wednesday night featuring the claims.

Novo Nordisk patents semaglutide and does not sell it to other companies, raising issues about what other companies are marketing to customers.

Novo Nordisk tested compounded semaglutide from Wells Pharmacy and Brooksville Pharmaceuticals in Florida. The lawsuits said Wells Pharmacy samples included 33% unknown contaminants, while Brooksville Pharmaceuticals samples had lower active ingredient levels than labeled and impurities.

Novo Nordisk continues its lawsuits against clinics and compounding pharmacies selling semaglutide. Pharmacy compounders mix and change materials to make patient-specific drugs.

Five medical spas, weight loss clinics, and compounding pharmacies were sued by the company in June for distributing unapproved copies of the medicine. The firm announced Thursday that it has received preliminary injunctions against six spas and clinics for “false advertising and trademark infringement.”

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