05-18-2024, 1:40 PM

Public health discovers suspected hepatitis A infection at Beverly Hills Whole Foods

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has recommended that individuals who have made purchases from the seafood counter, at a Whole Foods store in Beverly Hills should consider getting a hepatitis A vaccination.

Health authorities specified that customers who have bought seafood from the market located at 239 North Crescent Drive between April 20 and May 13 are advised to seek vaccination if they do not already have immunity.

"Receiving vaccination as soon as possible after exposure could help reduce the risk of developing hepatitis A infection," the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said. "Residents should contact their local pharmacy or medical provider for the vaccine."

Hepatitis A is a liver infection that's highly contagious and can be transmitted even before symptoms become apparent. It spreads through the stool and blood of persons. Contaminated food.

The illness can vary from a condition lasting a weeks to a severe one lasting several months. Symptoms may include fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dark urine or yellowing of the eyes and skin. In cases it can lead to fatalities.

The health department is working with Whole Foods to ensure that employees who are not immune, to hepatitis A receive vaccinations. As of Saturday there have been no reported cases of hepatitis A. Investigations are ongoing.

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