12-5-2023, 5:38 PM

The director of the FBI claims that the agency is battling possible Hamas-inspired attacks "around the clock"

Director of the FBI Christopher Wray stated that the agency is operating "around the clock" to identify and foil any potential attacks by people motivated by the Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7.

During a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Wray stated, "We're working around the clock to identify and disrupt potential attacks by those inspired by Hamas' horrific terrorist attacks in Israel," in reference to the constant drumbeat of calls for attacks by foreign terrorist organizations since October 7.

In a written statement released in addition to his opening remarks, Wray stated that while there is currently no evidence to suggest that Hamas "has the intent or capability to conduct operations inside the US," "we cannot, and do not, discount that possibility."

Wray also issued a warning regarding the rise in hate crimes, citing the "troubling trend" of heightened threats against Jews in the months following October 7. He has previously warned of threats to the United States, and his remarks to this committee and other congressional ones are reminiscent of his earlier warnings.

The director of the FBI continued, saying that "we are opening I think 60% more hate crimes investigations" since October 7.

Throughout his lengthy career, Wray claimed to have never witnessed a situation in which there were as many elevated threats against the US as there are at this time.

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