02-11-2024, 7:54 PM

Houston police report 2 hurt, including child, in Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church shooting

A woman, dressed in a trench coat and carrying a long rifle, entered Lakewood Church with a young child, where she opened fire, as per Houston Police Chief Troy Finner. The incident took place at the 3700 block of the Southwest Freeway, at Lakewood Church, according to Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez.

Chief Finner reported that around 1:53 p.m., a woman, estimated to be between 30-35 years old, arrived at the west side parking lot armed with a long rifle and accompanied by a 4 or 5-year-old child. She began shooting upon entering the premises.

Finner commended the off-duty officers, one from Houston PD and the other from ATF, for their swift response and engagement with the suspect, preventing further harm. Despite being shot, the woman allegedly threatened a bomb, but no explosive was found in her vehicle or backpack. She died at the scene.

The child with her sustained critical injuries and is undergoing treatment at Children's Texas, while a 57-year-old man was also injured and is receiving medical attention.

Motives behind the woman's actions remain unclear, and investigations into the incident, including the number of shots fired, are ongoing. The involved officers will be placed on administrative duty, standard procedure for officer-involved shootings.

The identity of the female suspect has not been disclosed. Chief Finner announced increased patrols around religious institutions in response to the incident.

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