11-23-2023, 10:35 PM

UN head Guterres visits vital Antarctica just before climate talks begin

On Thursday, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited frozen-but-rapidly melting Antarctica and called for aggressive action at the COP28 climate meetings, where countries will discuss their promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“We are witnessing an acceleration that is absolutely devastating,” Guterres said of Antarctica's “sleeping giant” ice loss.

“The Antarctic is waking up and the world must wake up,” he said.

President Guterres and Chilean President Gabriel Boric visited Chile's Eduardo Frei Air Force Base at King George Island during their three-day official tour to Antarctica.

Guterres planned boat tours of Collins and Nelson glaciers.

He said COP28 is a chance for governments to “decide the phase out of fossil fuels in an adequate time frame” to keep global warming from increasing 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels. He said it also allows nations to commit to additional renewable energy projects and increase grid and technology energy efficiency.

Antarctic ice melts due to rising air and ocean temperatures. The frozen continent generates important ocean currents and reflects sunlight, influencing Earth's climate.

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