05-24-2024, 12:46 PM

The ICJ requires Israel to report on court-ordered measures, within one month

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated Israel must act to allow UN fact-finding teams and investigative organizations to probe “allegations of genocide” and open the Rafah border for humanitarian relief.

The court's president, Judge Nawaf Salam, claimed UN authorities said the situation would “intensify even further” if the Israeli “operation continues” in Rafah.

Israel must “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,” Salam said, and called the humanitarian situation in Rafah “disastrous”.

ICJ rulings are binding but unenforceable. Despite Israel's Genocide Convention membership, the court cannot force it to reconsider its Gaza military plans.

The World Court (ICJ) is the highest UN forum for hearing state disputes. Its final, binding rulings have been ignored.
In a tense January verdict, the court ordered Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza but did not stop the conflict.

In court, Israel has repeatedly denied genocide and said its Gaza operations are self-defense against Hamas fighters who assaulted Israel on October 7.

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