10-17-2023, 4:58 PM

IDF may reveal intelligence demonstrating Israel not responsible for Gaza hospital bombing, spokesperson claims

The Israel Defense Forces may release intelligence or raw data to disprove Israel's claim that it attacked the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, a spokesperson said.

Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, IDF spokesperson, answered "maybe" when asked to release more details.

Declassification is underway. I can't promise we will, but given the stakes, it may happen, Conricus remarked.

Conricus replied that the IDF is "as certain as anybody in war can be with millions of pieces of information flying around" that a missile did not hit the Gaza hospital.

"But after a very serious review, I can say that is the information that we have now we are confident and the information that we have says this was a failed launch by Islamic Jihad," added.

Later, Israeli military spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari stated the IDF has communications with Gaza terrorists “saying this is an Islamic Jihad event” and drone footage indicating the strike hit the hospital's parking area but not the hospital.

Hagari could not confirm whether Islamic Jihad purposefully initiated the attack or if a rocket misfired, but he did observe that a large barrage of rockets from Gaza was launched.

Gazan officials blame Israel for the hospital attack, but IDF maintains it was Islamic Jihad's "failed rocket launch" and denies it.

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