01-13-2024, 8:05 PM

Ryan Curtis, an MMA fighter, was hospitalized following a training incident with severe injuries

Ryan Curtis, a flyweight mixed martial artist, broke his neck, back, and vertebrae during a training session on Thursday.

Leah McCourt, an MMA fighter, disclosed the event on her Instagram page on Saturday. According to McCourt, Curtis' injuries are so bad that he won't be able to practice MMA or compete in matches.

"Ryan has suffered a broken back, broken neck and dislocated spine," she wrote in the caption of the post. "During this injury, trauma was also caused to Ryan's spinal cord. The damage is classified as the most severe that can happen to a spinal cord. After being taken to the Royal in Belfast, he had emergency surgery."

"Currently Ryan has no movement in his legs or his left arm," she stated.

Curtis is anticipated to remain in the hospital for a minimum of five months, after which he will spend an unspecified period of time working with a specialized spinal team.

"There is no exact end date to when this treatment will be complete," McCourt said in a letter.

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